Web Design: Expectations vs. Reality

The graphics and web industry has transformed due to various AI-powered automation over the years. Still, it is not yet big enough to replace humans in the workplace; especially when it comes to churning out websites and adjusting images.

It’s the 21st century; the age of technology. All businesses and industries across the globe aim for innovation to stay ahead of the times. Tech savvy or not, there is an uncanny desire for automation among people and businesses alike. If you are a web development or a graphic design company, you have all the more reason to feel excited.

Take any graphic design company into consideration. Its identity rests on the kind of work it does. Quality is something they cannot compromise. At the same time, a lot needs to be done and time is at a premium. How about AI intervention at this juncture? Doesn’t sound bad right? After all, who would mind a little bit of automation?

Tips about good websites

Immediate Page Loading: Visitors never wait with patience for a website to load. If your website is slow and takes a long time to open then it can’t be considered as an ideal website. Therefore, design your website by using quick loading rates. High conversion rate is another benefit of designing a fast loading website.

SEO- Friendly: Web designers ensure that the website is SEO friendly. It means to develop your website keeping in mind the On-page SEO elements. Also, modify your website with SEO techniques. They can use XML sitemap and schema for SEO-friendly website. It helps to rank your website on top of Google’s result engine page.

Social Media Integration: Social media sites are integrated with your website. This will help visitors to look on social media pages directly from the website. It helps in attracting traffic and engaging visitors. Custom web development software helps to integrate your social media accounts with a website.

Search feature: A website must have a search feature. Many marketing sites don’t have a search feature. It appears globally on the page as an icon or search box. Search feature should be on the header of the page.

Web Design Checklist and Guide

  • Simple. The fewer clicks it takes the user to get their information, the better.
  • Clear. Every navigation option needs to be exactly what it says it is. This means that every page needs to be self-evident. An About Us page needs to lead to an About Us page, nothing else, nothing more.
  • Consistent. This means that the navigations options need to be the same for every page on the website.
  • Internal links need to open in the same tab. Everyone expects this type of behavior. If a link leads to something on your site, it needs to open in the same tab. This allows the user to press the back button and go to the same place he was before.
  • External links need to open in a new window or tab. For links that lead away from your website, it’s best to open them in another window. But, always do so with a warning. For example, linked word (opens in a new tab).
  • Visited links change color. This is one of the most overlooked web design best practices. If you don’t do this, users might unintentionally revisit the same pages.
  • Clear and concise. Write for every level of education. Adding complicated words increases the cognitive load on the readers. Content should be simple and easy to digest.Consistent. This means that the navigations options need to be the same for every page on the website.
  • Not too much information. No one wants to read one big bulk of text. Split your content into paragraphs. A little bit of whitespace after every 4 to 5 sentences is a great web design practice.
  • Short sentences. According to Robert Gunning, sentences need to be at around 20 words. This will make them easy and comfortable to grasp.
  • It loads fast. The limit of keeping someone’s attention is 10 seconds. Anything that’s longer than that is a risk and might mean losing traffic.

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